Get Involved
We offer a variety of volunteer opportunities! Please let us know if you would like to work on fund-raisers, building projects, apply for an internship, or serve with one of our short-term missions teams.
Summer Pageant Outreach
In the month of July the LDS Church offers nightly outdoor performances of the Nauvoo Pageant and the British Pageant. This depiction of the early missionary work in England, and then the settling of Nauvoo in the 1840s by Joseph Smith and his followers, is carefully designed as a proselytizing tool. Visitors to these pageants are asked to fill out a response card after the performance in order to receive a free gift --which is brought to their home by LDS missionaries who hope to begin their religious lessons. Our ministry offers literature to those attending these pageants, providing a publication that explains the differences between Mormonism and Biblical teachings. We welcome the involvement of fellow Christians to help with this distribution effort. Our pageant outreach application will help you gain a better understanding of our expectations and allow us the opportunity to get to know you better too. We look forward to serving with you!
The Nauvoo Pageant